Broadway Babe

Customer Login

Please Note...
We do not sell to the general public. We sell only to dance schools and owners and their teacher's high school or other performance group instructors. In order to purchase costumes from Broadway Babe, you must first log on to the website. This requires that you have a customer ID number. If you are a new customer and do not have a customer ID number, you may obtain one by providing us with one of the following items:

  1. A photocopy of your dance studio business license
  2. A bank deposit slip with your pre-printed dance studio business name, address, and phone number; or a voided check with pre-printed business name, address, and phone number.

This procedure is intended to protect the confidentiality of our price list to qualified dance studios and schools. We apologize for any inconvenience or delay this may cause.

Customer Password:

If you have questions please click here to send us an email
or call us at (909) 605-3700, 10am-4:30pm PST Monday thru Friday.

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